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Spaces are very limited to allow for individual adjustments and modifications to be made so book here to secure your place!

Confident Headstanding ***SOLD OUT***
23rd February 2019 14:00-17:00
Whether you have never tried headstanding or are wanting to improve your technique this workshop is for you! We will look at how to safely and confidently practice Sirsasana (headstand) using a variety of methods, and how to increase core strength, and shoulder strength and flexibility to improve your headstanding practice. 

Good Backbending
9th March 14:00-17:00
Backbends are an important part of yoga practice but are often neglected as they are seen as difficult or uncomfortable. This workshop seeks to explore safe backbending for your body, no matter how flexible you are (or aren't!). We will use yoga wheels to open the heart space and safely backbend with support before looking at classical backbends such as Dhanurasana and Urdhva Dhanurasana. 

Foundational Asana
23rd March 2019 14:00-17:00
This workshop will look at the asanas that form the foundation of the practice and Surya Namaskara (sun salutations) such as Uttanasana (standing forward bend), Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog), Plank, and Chaturanga. The focus will be on feeling the alignment, supported with props and hands on adjustments. Teachers or trainee teachers are welcome to observe these hands-on adjustments. 

£30 for one workshop, £50 for two, or £75 for three. All workshops at The Yoga Room, Blackwater.

Click here to book online